Kyra Cornwall
Chambers ranked in UK Bar 2025
Leading Junior – Legal 500 Uk 2025

Kyra Cornwall

Call: 2011

“Applies her impressive intellect and aptitude to a wide range of issues, including high net worth finance and jurisdiction disputes. She regularly acts on Part III claims and cases involving global assets. Cornwall has represented her clients in high-profile disputes before the Court of Appeal.”

“Has the ability to handle a huge volume of information, distil it down and get to the crux of the matter. She handles difficult opponents well and instils confidence in clients.”

“An elegant and assertive advocate, and a team player to boot. She always works with the client and her instructing solicitors to achieve the best outcome.”

“Kyra is absolutely brilliant. She is quickly all over the detail in the most complex of matters and is highly forensic in her approach. Her direct and no-nonsense, yet compassionate, approach means she is an absolute hit with clients.”

“Kyra is loved by clients. She is calm and unflappable in both court and in negotiations.”

“Calm under fire. Measured in her demeanour. Kind and empathetic to clients. A smiling assassin in the courtroom. Underestimate her at your peril!”

Chambers and Partners, Legal 500




Kyra is highly specialist in complex matrimonial finance work. This includes matters involving pre- and post-marital agreements, and those involving issues relating to international corporate structures, trust issues, landed estates and jurisdiction matters.

Her busy practice involves a discreet handling of high profile and international cases. She regularly represents husbands and wives in high value and prominent matters, led and alone. She advises clients nationally and internationally, from jurisdictions including the Cayman Islands, Singapore and France, and has a particular interest in cases with links to Hong Kong, having undertaken the Pegasus Scholarship there in 2017.

“Applies her impressive intellect and aptitude to a wide range of issues, including high net worth finance and jurisdiction disputes. She regularly acts on Part III claims and cases involving global assets. Cornwall has represented her clients in high-profile disputes before the Court of Appeal.”

“Has the ability to handle a huge volume of information, distil it down and get to the crux of the matter. She handles difficult opponents well and instils confidence in clients.”

“An elegant and assertive advocate, and a team player to boot. She always works with the client and her instructing solicitors to achieve the best outcome.”

“Kyra is absolutely brilliant. She is quickly all over the detail in the most complex of matters and is highly forensic in her approach. Her direct and no-nonsense, yet compassionate, approach means she is an absolute hit with clients.”

“Kyra is loved by clients. She is calm and unflappable in both court and in negotiations.”

“Calm under fire. Measured in her demeanour. Kind and empathetic to clients. A smiling assassin in the courtroom. Underestimate her at your peril!”

Chambers and Partners, Legal 500


Kyra is highly specialist in complex matrimonial finance work. This includes matters involving pre- and post-marital agreements, and those involving issues relating to international corporate structures, trust issues, landed estates and jurisdiction matters.

Her busy practice involves a discreet handling of high profile and international cases. She regularly represents husbands and wives in high value and prominent matters, led and alone. She advises clients nationally and internationally, from jurisdictions including the Cayman Islands, Singapore and France, and has a particular interest in cases with links to Hong Kong, having undertaken the Pegasus Scholarship there in 2017.

  • Financial Remedies
  • Claims after Foreign Divorce
  • Nuptial agreements
  • Financial provision for children
  • Jurisdiction disputes

  • FLBA
  • Inner Temple

  • Christ’s College, Cambridge – MA (Cantab) (1st Class)
  • Oxford Brookes University – GDL
  • Kaplan Law School – BPTC
  • Nottingham Trent University – Graduate LLB
  • Inner Temple Duke of Edinburgh Scholar
  • Inner Temple Exhibitioner
  • Pegasus Scholar 2017 (Hong Kong)

Kyra is very interested in ballet and music. She enjoys travelling and the great outdoors, currently putting her efforts into learning to ski.

She has a working knowledge of French and basic German.

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