Instructed by the nation’s leading firms in some of the most substantial financial remedy proceedings globally. His practice sees him handling disputes, often involving trusts, for high net worth clients. Simon is now established as one of the most in demand Silks in the Division after many years as a leading Junior.
Chambers and Partners 2024, Band 1 – Matrimonial Finance
“Simon is one of the go-to KCs for complex and high value cases. He is a fantastic advocate, who is a hit with clients and all over the detail in a case.”
“Simon gives excellent and well-informed advice.”
“He has tremendous understanding of complex financial structures.”
Chambers and Partners 2024, Band – Matrimonial ADR
“He really reads into the details and has an amazing ability to make parties feel that they’ve been heard and that they’ve both got what they wanted”
“Exceptionally good at getting to the root of the problem.”
Instructed by the nation’s leading firms in some of the most substantial financial remedy proceedings globally. His practice sees him handling disputes, often involving trusts, for high net worth clients. Simon is now established as one of the most in demand Silks in the Division after many years as a leading Junior.
Chambers and Partners 2024, Band 1 – Matrimonial Finance
“Simon is one of the go-to KCs for complex and high value cases. He is a fantastic advocate, who is a hit with clients and all over the detail in a case.”
“Simon gives excellent and well-informed advice.”
“He has tremendous understanding of complex financial structures.”
Chambers and Partners 2024, Band – Matrimonial ADR
“He really reads into the details and has an amazing ability to make parties feel that they’ve been heard and that they’ve both got what they wanted”
“Exceptionally good at getting to the root of the problem.”
All areas of financial remedy claims, TOLATA disputes, pre- and post-nuptial agreements.
Chambers and Partners
“Simon is one of the go-to KCs for complex and high value cases. He is a fantastic advocate, who is a hit with clients and all over the detail in a case”.
“Simon gives excellent and well-informed advice.”
“He has tremendous understanding of complex financial structures”
“He’s all over the detail of cases and has a real recognition of how those details interplay with strategies.” “He has a winning manner with judges and builds a rapport with the court.” “He is good with clients, extremely numerate and someone with good advocacy skills.”
“He is an extremely forceful advocate, who is brilliant in cross-examination. He’s good with clients and persuasive with judges.” “He’s one in a million. If you could bottle and sell him you would.”
“Highly intelligent and very thorough.”
“He is unbelievably charming with clients and he is absolutely phenomenal. He has an ability to pitch himself at the right level for everybody. On top of this he’s the king of spreadsheets and incredibly numerate.”
“He is a dream barrister, who works so hard, is always so good with clients. The judges love him and you know when you go into court he will be immaculately prepared”
“He is worth his weight in gold.” “You wont find a harder worker and he has a wonderful bedside manner”
“Bastion of calm-always well prepared, not afraid of a fight and fantastic with clients.” “He is well respected and is good at delivering realistic advice”
“A polished effective negotiator”
“He has a brilliant ability to present the most difficult arguments in an effective, eloquent and persuasive way”
Married, three children